Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Sunday Drive

It was a beautiful fall Sunday, so Frank and I (and Sandy, of course) decided to go on a drive in the mountains behind our home town of Arlington. Some of Frank's students had told him about a hamburger joint in Darrington that had an awesome hamburger that would make you $#!^ for a week, so of course we had to include that stop in our plans. Ultimately, we ended up not buying the GollyWhomper, but our regular hamburger and fish sandwich and fries were very good. After our lunch, we loaded back up in the minivan and hit the Mountain Loop Road.

There were so many lovely things to see as we were driving, but this waterfall made us stop and start our picture taking. We actually heard it before we saw it. There were several others along the way. We had an incredibly heavy snow pack this year and these waterfalls still running so late in the year are evidence of that.

Farther on down the gravel road was a beautiful section of river running over boulders and forming these beautiful eddies. I tried to capture how crystal clear the water was here, and just didn't do it justice.

As we continued on down the road, we rounded a corner and saw this most peaceful mountain pond tucked in amongst the trees. Up until this point, all the water we had seen had been moving quite quickly, so it was a nice surprise to see this sight. The water was as smooth as glass, broken only by random logs and vegetation.

There were quite a few mountain peaks, and this one was the most easily photographed. The others were too close to get much of a picture that truly showed their majesty. Our road was at about 2300 feet elevation and we estimated this peak at between 6000 and 7000 feet. I guess I should look it up!

We had a wonderful day enjoying God's beauty! We are so blessed to have all this just 1/2 an hour from our home and so easy to get to. Some people have to go on vacation to get to scenery like this and we have it right in our back yard. I hope to never take it for granted.

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