Thursday, September 18, 2008

Farm Dog

She didn't start about being a farm dog! Sandy started out being lost and starving and parasite infested. Then she had a great day when, after several days wandering the school, Frank took pity on her and took her first to the vet then brought her home. They've been best buds ever since.

Sandy and Frank loved the beach and went out almost every day. On weekends there were mountain hikes. We even bought her a puppy of her own, our sweet Carly who has recently gone on to puppy heaven. Three years ago, however, Sandy the beach dog turned into Sandy the farm dog when we moved here to Arlington.

At first Sandy had a hard time with living on a road that had actual traffic (we were at the end of a dead-end before) but after a couple of weeks she learned that not every car that went by was coming to visit us. That's when she blossomed into the good farm dog that she is now. She lays in the yard with chickens all around and does not think they are for her to eat or chase (well, she might think it but she doesn't act on it!). She loves to play on the hay stack and supervise the daily barn cleaning. One of her favorite things to do it go for a ride in the farm van!

There are so many good stories to tell about Sandy that it's hard to come up with just a couple of favorites. Like the time when she was young and got so dirty all you could see was her eyes and teeth when she smiled. Or like the time we were on a little trip and we said, "let's go" then got distracted and she sat up and started making speeches which we roughly translated to, "I thought you said LET'S GO!"

You might think that Sandy got a pretty good deal when she found Frank that day over 12 years ago, but I think we got the even better end of that one. She is a happy dog, always ready for any adventure, waits contentedly for us when we're gone, and just generally is everything you think of when you think of a good dog. We are blessed to have her in our house and in our hearts.