Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A bit of fall around the farm

We had a stunningly lovely early November day here, with temperatures nearing 70 degrees! The chickens were enjoying their time in the sun and the horses, who look more like buffaloes with their shaggy winter coats, were sweating but enjoying their sunny naps as well. I was able to pick up some fall plants on sale at Lowe's and some gourds, so at least I have the table on the porch with a bit of fall decorations. Of course the hens have to check everything out, so here are a couple of my barred rocks trying to get in the picture. I just love these girls.

I noticed that I had not put up a picture of the horses for a long time! Well, everyone is doing very well. The donkeys and the pony were standing around the corner of the barn and didn't make it into the picture, but here is Bailey (standing kind of goofy) and the three minis, from left Yakki, new Shadow and Maddie. It was getting to be dinner time, so they were more focused on me more than usual while the other three were standing at the magical barn door that opens and food comes out of!

Shadow has turned out to be a great addition to our little herd. We got him to keep Yakki company because Maddie wasn't doing to well in the spring and, frankly, I didn't think she'd make it to winter. Well, she is surprising us all by doing VERY well, so now we're a bit over-horsed! Shadow is a joy, however, and he seems to get along well with everyone. He's 6 years old and a very deep chocolate color with no white except for a few stray hairs on his face that you can see below. He was quite an expensive little show pony at one point in his life, and I might actually entertain trying to show him again some day. He sure has a big personality in that little body!

The last thing I want to show you is our new 'fireplace'. I know it's cheezy and fake, but we really like it! Too bad the 'flames' and 'red embers' don't show up with the flash, because they are a pretty good imitation. It also has a heater and fan on a thermostat, but we haven't needed to use it yet. The only thing missing is the crackle, and I found a fireplace sound loop on line that I put on one night and we were laughing about that. It's amazing what technology can do for us. :)

Just a bit of a foot update: The second surgery went well and everything looks fine. I'm only 4.5 weeks since that last one so I'm still in the boot and will be until November 18th. I have been in this thing since August 11th and am ready for a break from 'clompy'!! The good/bad news is that I'm going to have the other foot done on December 15th (to take advantage of insurance benefits) so it starts all over again...just hopefully not doing it twice! Thanks for all your good wishes. Hopefully, I'll be walking on two perfect feet by early spring!