Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Wonderland!

Our friends and relatives in Wisconsin and Illinois will be laughing at this posting! We do realize that this little bit of snow that will be gone in a few days is nothing compared to what happens elsewhere, but it's the most we usually get here and it's fun! Plus, it's awfully nice to have pretty snow that's gone before anyone can get sick of it!

I thought it would be cute to start with another picture of our nativity scene in the yard. This one is in the 3.5 inches of snow we got last night. We actually put a ruler in the snow on the porch and measured it, but the picture didn't turn out.

From our school's band boosters we bought a beautiful wreath and centerpiece. Since we put up a screen door, we had to find a new place for the wreath this year. I think it looks lovely on our little shed/pump house that Frank painted to match our barn.

OK, you have to squint for this one. Over the top of the chicken run we put netting so that the hawks can't swoop in and get a chicken. Normally, you can't even see it, but the wet snow accumulates on it and weighs it down and stretches out the netting. We call it the "Dome 'O Death" for its potential chicken squishing properties!

This is the run after the sun came up. Frank went into the run with a little shovel and beat the "Dome 'O Death" into submission so that it wouldn't hurt his chickens. Here are a couple of the girls showing their appreciation for this as well as the 8 wheelbarrows of gravel he put in their run just yesterday.

When I went out after I made a scrumptious breakfast of biscuits and gravy, I caught this picture of the trees looking nice and fuzzy and the horses enjoying the brisk air. It was so beautiful outside in the bright sun. By now all the snow has dropped off the trees, but there is no melting going on. We're having a little cold snap and it didn't get above about 30 today and isn't expected to get any warmer in the foreseeable future. Good thing the horses like the crisp weather and I have a barn full of hay to keep their engines stoked.

I didn't tell you earlier that the dark photos in this blog were all taken this morning at about 6:00am. I always go out at that time to put the horses out and feed them, but Frank came too and we had fun turning on our Christmas lights and looking at all the pretty snow scenes. It truly didn't seem that cold and we were surprised to discover that we had stayed out about 45 minutes! This is one of the neat pictures that Frank took when we were out before the sun came up:

We sure hope you are enjoying your holiday season! Today we are playing Christmas music while I am starting to make cookies and Frank is working on schoolwork. I also made turkey and homemade noodle soup from Thanksgiving's bird leftovers. All in all, it has been an enchanting, lovely day. Merry Christmas!


Jake Mock said...

We haven't gotten much snow to speak of here in omaha, but it is 5 degrees now and the wind chill tonight is somewhere in the -20's.

I like the Dome o Death. Did I ever tell you my experience in killing chickens?

Jake Mock said...

It is -5 right now! Yay midwest!