Monday, December 22, 2008

OK, that's IT!!

It crossed my mind that maybe the reason it keeps snowing is that I keep blogging about it. Well, my fears were confirmed as we woke up to about 8 MORE inches of snow that fell overnight. We turned the news on this morning and heard about a building collapsing in Marysville (next town over) and we talked about our buildings and decided that our shop probably needed the weight taken off of it. So here's Frank with his HUGE chore today. We probably should have bought a snow shovel. Poor guy.

Last night about 9pm when we went out to the barn to tuck everybody in the for the night, the lights flickered and then were OUT. This is not unexpected but definitely undesirable! So I ran back into the house, got our headlamps (everyone should have these, they're GREAT) and we finished our chores, came in and wrapped up the little parrots with our sub zero sleeping bag, turned down the heat to about 62 and went to bed. Thankfully, at exactly 2:04 am the power came back on. So did the TV, and a couple of lights we forgot to turn out, but the heater did not kick on as I expected. So I went and pushed up the thermostat and it didn't click until about 64. Now that's pretty good to go to bed at about 68 degrees and only lose 4 degrees in 5 hours. It's probably all the snow insulating the place!

This is the back porch by our office from the inside. What you can't tell is that this porch is about 7 inches below the threshold for the door.

If you can't read it, that's the 21 inch marker above the snow. Then I took this long shot so you could see that I took this measurement outside the same office sliding doors.

I didn't get any big horse pictures today, but thought that it was funny to see Yak even deeper in the snow! I always called him a weiner-horse before, but now that he doesn't have any legs it's confirmed!!

The last thing I want to tell you about is our fences. They have taken a huge beating. I keep telling Frank that it's not a matter of IF the horses get out, but when. I am keeping hay in front of them all the time, so that's keeping them fairly close to the barn for now. I did get a little scare this morning when I went out and saw one line totally down, so I grabbed some supplies and walked (with snow up to my thighs!) out there and was shocked and pleased to find a number of fresh horse tracks right up to the breach, but no one went through. Those are some good horses if you ask me! We lost about 10 insulators on the Horse Guard fence system in the back pasture that I'll replace as soon as I can get to them. The side pasture by the barn is just T-posts, insulators and an electrobraid kind of line. That's the one that's not holding up under the weight of the snow. I guess you get what you pay for, because the Horse Guard lines are doing great (except for those insulators that just cracked in the below zero weather) holding up the weight of the snow.

Keep tuned for more episodes of "As the Snow Falls"! Hopefully the forecast is correct in that we'll have some above-freezing temps starting Christmas Day. Until then we've got one more blast of snow coming tomorrow night they say. In the meantime, we're doing everything we can to keep our animals and property safe! God bless!

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