Monday, December 8, 2008

More Christmas things around the ranch...

How do you like our new Nativity Set? We wanted another feature for our yard and thought it should be something other than an snowman or santa, so this is what we got! Like our neighbor, Burke, said, "It's whimsical!" At night it is lighted. I got the chickens in there so you could kind of see the size of it, but they're in front and look giant and make it looks smaller than it is! Actually, if I stand up behind it, it is about 1 1/2 feet taller than my head.

Now we have all our inside decorations up as well, such as they are. Here is our tree. We couldn't find the lights with the green wires so we had to go with the ones with the white wires. Oh well, we just think of it like some garland! You can't really see it well, but we have an angel on the top that we have had since we got married. Her dress is a little faded, but she is still lovely.

Over the entry to our office we have put a saw that Frank's Uncle Ray painted. At Christmastime, we add some garland and a ribbon on which to put our Christmas cards. Frank has to duck once it gets full!

Here is Frank (and the elusive Jake) working on his laptop in his old LazyBoy. I want to get him a new one, but he likes THIS one. Kind of like Marty Crane on Frazier, but not quite that ugly yet!

I know this picture looks all friendly and cozy. Actually, it is neither one of 'the yellows' wanting to give up their part of the pet bed, so they're each holding a base! The minute one gets up the other one hogs the whole thing. I don't know why Sandy puts up with this, actually, because the bed is hers. Now if Carly was here, she would just flop down in the middle of the pillow whether there was a cat there or not. We're missing Carly this first Christmas without her.

I went shopping today to get all the ingredients for the cookie plates we take to friends and neighbors. I'm going to make:

Mexican wedding cakes
pecan pie bars
rocky road bars
ginger snaps (maybe)
chocolate covered pretzels
peppermint bark

Luckily, some of these have a good shelf life so I can start making them now and save them for when I put the plates together. Only I have to hide them somewhere so Frank doesn't find them and clean me out!

Merry Christmas to you please remember the reason for the season as you make all your holiday preparations! Love, Jayne


Jake Mock said...

I was unaware that I was elusive....

How is your cat, anyway?

Anonymous said...

Jake is always elusive!

Great pics of the snow!!!!!! It's the real thing, and I thought Portland was smacked w/the white stuff.

Yeah, it reminds me of Wisconsin when I was a kid - enough snow for tunnels.

John Sollers