Thursday, December 18, 2008

That wasn't snow, THIS is snow!

You've got to be kidding me! We left Wisconsin because of this! We are on our 2nd day off of school, with only Friday to go before Christmas Break, and we're betting that we actually started our break last Tuesday after school! The snow plows haven't even been here yet today. I'm measuring 12 inches of snow on a porch that Frank cleared at least 6" off of yesterday! We just got slammed!! It sure is pretty, but it is causing a lot of extra work here on the farm. Here's Frank and his trusty dog Sandy taking a break from shoveling the driveway. He said, "I never thought of this driveway as long before!" Poor Frank!

I took these pictures about 5 days apart. I thought the first one was about as much snow as we would see! Foolish Jayne! You can see that there is at least a foot of snow now on the lawn chair. You might remember from the Nov. 30 blog that it was nice enough for us to be out in T-shirts and enjoy sitting outside in that very same chair. What a difference a couple of weeks makes!

Too bad it's hard to get action shots with a digital camera, because I missed a LOT of good ones. The mini's had been locked in the barn the last two days and when I let them out they went NUTS!! They ran and ran, then rolled, then ran some more, of course with the all-important bucking and farting. The snow is truly up to Yak's belly (well, that's not saying much!) and he just trucked on through so happily.

Here's Maddie pawing in preparation of another rolling session. It's amazing to me that they didn't have snow stuck up their noses the way they just plowed through it. Yak is behind rubbing on the fence. Look carefully and you can see Daisy on the other side of the snowy fence! I didn't even see her there the first time I looked at this picture!

Yak is covered with snow! He's got it just smashed on his head and all over his body. I would say he's having a good day! Luckily it's cold enough that it's not melting and he just shakes it off and starts out again.

I couldn't end this blog without pictures of the rest of the horses! Here is Bailey taking a break from his endless hay buffet to talk to the minis. He and Little Bit like the snow and are happy to stay out. The donkeys not so much!

Snow sure makes things look not so white!! These girls are looking pretty dirty here. They are good natured about being outside for a few hours, then then want to come in and be spoiled. Well, as long as it's not snowing heavily, they're staying out until it's time to come in. I'm sure the neighborhood will reverberate with their cranky hee-haws before too long. Hey, it might shake some of the snow out of the trees for us! (Frank is going around beating the fruit trees to reduce breakage, as well as the trees that are leaning into our electric fence in a few spots.)

Lastly is a picture of the best pony ever. He is a fuzzy buffalo with more hair than two horses and he would never come in if I didn't make him. He's such a likable guy and is loved by every other horse/donkey on the place. He's been picky about his hay and beet pulp, so I've added a scoop of complete feed and he's happy.

I hope you are all enjoying your winter weather and preparations for celebrating the birth of Christ. We're enjoying our snow, but enough of it already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!this is stunningly beautiful, gorgeous. i have told you how jealous i am?!