Sunday, December 21, 2008

And the hits just keep on coming....

Jake, the mighty hunter kitty, and I say ENOUGH ALREADY!! We both want to stick our head under the couch and come out when it's May. This is just nuts! We got 3 or 4 more inches of snow last night, and about as much is forecast throughout today. I've totally lost count of how much snow we've gotten which is good because I would be even more demoralized.

On the other hand, the horses are pretty happy with this stuff. At least the temperatures are up in the 20's now rather than the 4 BELOW (that is NOT a typo) yesterday morning. I was able to catch these pictures of the boys running through their pasture from the warmth of our office. Needless to say, they were having a great time and frequently run by. The donkeys, on the other hand, are cranky like their human mom and either console themselves by eating or standing under the cedar tree sulking.

I have to kind of chuckle at Bailey, in that while he does canter once in a while (usually coming to the barn when I call him to dinner), most of his playing and running around is still at a trot. I guess it's not easy to take the trot out of an old hitch horse.

I know, most of you have seen a snow plow before, but this is a really big one that actually came down our road! I took this this morning from our front room window while I was still in my snowman jammies. I went outside not much later (dressed, of course) and there was still easily 3 inches of compact snow and ice on the road. Yuck.

This is actually the little deck off the office from which I took the above horse pictures. I can't find my yard stick, but I would guess there is 18" of snow on here easily. It's compacted somewhat over the last week (this all started LAST Saturday) so I would bet we've had over 20 inches. I do have to admit it is pretty, but the chores are actually getting to be a chore!! That's not happened before!

We have another "dome o' death" forming on the sides of the barn. The good news is that so far it's coming down a little bit at a time instead of one big WHOOSH! I wouldn't want a horse under that when it came down! Good thing it gives a little warning beforehand.

Today was a special day for the chickens in that they got their outside door opened for the first time in 5 days. This is one of the new australorp hens looking to the right to check things out:

Then she looked to the left:

Then she looked forward and gave a "I am NOT impressed" cluck and went back in. I'm with you good hen, I'm with you.

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