Friday, October 24, 2008

Just a nice fall day...

Not a real long post today. Just wanted to show a few pictures of the fuzzy ponies and the beautiful fall we're having. Here are "The Boys" Bailey and Little Bit standing by the gate watching me pick the mini's paddock. They are all such good supervisors!

Isn't Yak just the cutest, fuzziest thing ever?! He looks like a hereford/buffalo! I heard once that no matter what size the horse, they all have the same number of hair follicles. If you look at this guy, I'd believe it! I will admit, he IS too tubby, but I swear his winter hair grows straight out like a chia pet! He's such a good little guy sweet and funny. He likes to challenge Bailey across the fence and Bail just looks at him like he's a tiny yappy dog. I guess horses don't know what size they are either!

Here are the four residents of our winter pasture behind our house. This picture is taken out of the sliding glass doors in our office/den. From front to back is Daisy, Lily, Bailey and Little Bit. I love being able to just look out my window and see them there. The downside is that the donkeys know where we live and come yell at us in the same spot if we're late letting them into their cozy stalls!

This is a picture of some of the delicata squash we grew. Last year we ate one of these wonderful squash and liked it so much we experimented by saving some of the seeds and they grew great, as this picture proves! Hopefully they'll last for a while in our unheated shop with our potatoes! We're having some company over for dinner tonight. The menu is: salmon (stuffed with lemons and rosemary) and zuchinni on the grill, and roasted potatoes (mix of reds and sweet and onions and rosemary!). YUM. I'll make an apple-something for dessert; I just haven't decided what yet.

Hope you're having a wonderful fall! It's my favorite season and we've had a particularly nice October with little rain for here in the Seattle area. While I like the rain, too, I'm not complaining about this nice stretch of dry weather!

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