Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Update

We have had the 6th rainiest May on record, and most of that came in the last two weeks! So needless to say we haven't been able to spend any time out on our beautiful new porch. I did, however, find some flower baskets that I have been wanting to hang on this porch since before it was even built. I also found a couple of planters in the 'damaged' rack at Lowes, but I thought they still looked pretty good and snatched them up for 1/2 price. We have also been seeing a lot of hummingbirds, so I hung a couple of hummingbird feeders and we instantly started seeing them lapping up the nectar. I am still shopping for just the right glider and also some nice cushions and our lovely new living space will be complete!

Our garden is coming along fine, with some some successes and failures to report. The plants that like cool weather are doing the peas, potatoes, onions, swiss chard and bok choy. In fact, we will need to eat the last of the bok choy this week as it is beginning to bolt already. The warm weather loving crops are not faring well, especially the ones that needed warm soil to germinate. I need to replant some carrots, corn, beets and basil, plus think of what I want to plant in place of the bok choy. Frank spent several hours out there today in the rain doing some much needed weeding, and since it looked so nice I had to take a picture. The still-weedy patch on the left is where the corn is, and the ones that came up are too fragile to tolerate much weeding nearby until they grow a bit more. I'm hoping for a non-rainy day soon so I can get out there and get my hands dirty again!

We bought our blueberry plants in the spring of 2008. Last year we were happy that they just took the transplanting and winter well, and they produced enough blueberries for about three batches of pancakes. This year I am amazed and so thankful that each of the four plants is just loaded with berries. I picked each plant specifically so that its berries would ripen at different times so hopefully we'll have fresh berries all summer and maybe even some to put in the freezer as well.

School is winding down and I'm heading to my Mom's next week to be with her after a bit of surgery. We've got trips planned in June and July to California and Wisconsin, respectively. Then, in early August I am having foot surgery that will necessitate me being totally off that foot for 4 weeks, so this should be an interesting summer! I'll do my best to keep the blog updated so that my faithful readers can follow our adventures!

1 comment:

Bean said...

Your porch is beautiful and your garden looks great!