Two years ago we (Frank!) dug out about a 20 foot long strip, removing the sod, to make a bed for some raspberry canes I wanted to plant. It looked lovely and the raspberries grew nicely. Well, fast-forward to now and you can barely even see them in the picture above as they are being overwhelmed by the grass that is now growing and trying to choke them out!
We cut into the sod and put some heavy black edging around the whole area. We couldn't dig out the sod without hurting the plants, so my friend Ange suggested putting down a heavy layer of newspaper before mulching to try to kill the grass. It sounded like a good idea to us, so that's what we did. We also put two 4x4's at each end so we can string some wire and give them the support they need as they get taller. Don't miss sweet Frank in this picture who is always so willing to provide the muscle and labor needed to work on all the projects I come up with!
After we put the paper down around all those raspberry stems, we covered it with a thick layer of pine mulch. I know it looks just like dirt here, but it was pouring rain during this whole project and we also wet it down to make it as heavy as possible on that newspaper, so it looks more like mud than the dark red pine shreds that it really is. So not only did we hopefully deal with the problem of the grass, but hopefully the raspberries are happier and the solution looks nice too!
Totally unrelated to this topic: I caught this picture of my four barred rock hens hanging out on our porch the other day (you can also see Sophie on the railing above) and thought they looked way too comfortable. They have the whole farm to explore, yet this is where they want to hang out! Frankly, though, these are such nice hens...much friendlier than my other chickens (other than Sophie and Sylvia) and just a pleasure to have around. In the beginning I got a couple of quite a few different breeds, and I always keep coming back to the barred rocks as being my favorites.
Well, I'm off to Oregon for a week, so the soonest I'll have another post is next weekend. I hope you are enjoying your spring and getting at least some sunshine. It's been way too rainy here and we're ready for it!
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