Saturday, May 8, 2010

Painting the New Porch - Day 2

Well, today was LONG with painting but the rewards were great. Frank finished the tedious job of painting the inside of the roof while I did the white posts. Once Frank was done with the roof, he moved on to doing all the white on the higher horizontal wood that I couldn't reach. It's 6:10pm now, and he says he's got a half-hour more to go tonight. We started at 8:30 this morning, so that's a full day of painting...WHEW!

We are done with painting for this weekend. We need to put another coat of white stain on the wood that Frank painted today, and we also need to wash all the horizontal surfaces (benches, railing, deck floor and stairs) prior to staining them. We don't have time to wash it tonight, and since it needs at least overnight to dry, it'll just have to be done next weekend (hopefully!). That's OK, we have neglected the lawn so there is mowing to be done! There's always something!

1 comment:

SeaBreeze said...

What a good job you guys have done. That was a ton of work. Looks