Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bad Jayne

I am so sorry that I have not posted to our blog lately! Things have been a little crazy, with going on vacation in San Diego, then coming home and having my mom visit for a week and then getting ready for school to start. Please be assured that everyone here on the farm is good and we are enjoying the end of our summer weather. Katie, below, is especially enjoying lounging around outside in spite of getting pecked once in a while by a baby chicken who doesn't know better!

The main thing that is taking up our time is the beginning of school for our online teaching jobs. I was hired by the same company (Insight Schools) that Frank worked for last year, to teach English. I was assigned to teach American Literature to Juniors, which is great, but I haven't taught literature for a while, so I am studying and preparing for the course as fast as I can so to stay ahead of them! On top of that is all the record keeping and student contact that needs to happen at the beginning of the school year. I have met so many really neat students so far; it's been wonderful! I think I'm really going to like this new way of teaching.

Blogs coming soon will feature our new chickens (that we are running down to Seattle tomorrow to get) that we need to replace the ones that died this summer; harvesting and putting up some of the bounty from our garden; and we will also be talking about our new bikes (that we bought after renting the same kind on vacation, twice!). So stay tuned for updates about the happenings at Red Pony Ranch, hopefully coming soon!

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