Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not much going on....

I came home from a quick run to the feed store and found the namesakes of Red Pony Ranch and their honorary not-red giant pony all taking a nap together in the weak fall sun. There is a fence separating the two littlest ones from the big ones...not for their protection, but to keep them off of grass that would make them fatter than they already are. You can also see framed in by Bailey's legs and belly that Little Bit has laid down right next to the big guy. I'm sure the others will be laying down soon too as the sun warms their fuzzy bodies. I love how peaceful it is here.

After this picture, I went looking for the donkeys and found them in the lower pasture taking their own naps. You would not believe the bottom lips that hang down on sleeping donkeys. Oh! And those giant ears get lower and lower as they get sleepier and are eventually out sideways like helicopter rotors. I found this picture from two summers ago when Daisy was a baby. It shows the helicopter ear thing going on:

Now some of you know that Frank has taken on a part time job teaching math on-line for an internet-based high school in Idaho. I think he's having a good time and learning lots of new technology. I took this picture the other night while he was doing a classroom session. I call this one "Mission Control"! If you look you can see he has a laptop to his right as well as the one he's using for the session. I won't tell you more because he has promised to guest-blog and tell us all about it, so consider this a preview of coming attractions!

Once again, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update the blog. Not really that much exciting going on around here. We are very thankful for good health and steady jobs and wonderful family and friends. Our pantry, freezer and barn are full. Our lives are simple and peaceful, just the way we like it. Frank has his college football on Saturdays. I have my book club that I think is really a wine club in disguise. We have Thanksgiving coming up with our friends the Dutys in Tacoma. I still think I'll cook a small turkey just to have something to pick on. We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, filled with warmth and family and friends and of course, thankfulness. God Bless.

1 comment:

Jake Mock said...

What is Frank doing?!?