Sunday, July 12, 2009

A few random things

Some of my faithful blog viewers have might already figured out that I am using the blog to keep Frank connected to the things (albeit mundane) happening here on Red Pony Ranch while he is in Wisconsin. Hard to imagine that there is still another week yet to go, darn it!

I ran through Safeway yesterday looking for a couple of cucumbers, and as usual, I toured through the meat department looking for bargains. Boy did I find one! Here is a whole, bone-in, pork loin that runs over 10 pounds. I put the jelly jar there so you could better judge the size of this thing. It's BIG!

I might be one of the only bloggers ever to take and post a picture of a price tag on a side of pork, but here it is! You can see that, regardless of the probably inflated original price, I got an amazingly good deal. So good, in fact, that I bought two of these. Once I got it repackaged in the size for two person meals, I put 16 packages in the freezer and even left out two pieces for me to put on the grill! Nice to find a bargain like this!

Tomorrow is the little peeper's one week birthday (or would that be hatchday?) and I wanted to show how they're already growing in wing and tail feathers! These guys are growing so fast and are more bold every day in venturing further from momma.

Now they might THINK they are bold, it doesn't take much to send them scurrying back to momma and burrowing into the safety of the feathers of her soft underbelly. She is such a good momma and actually shows them what to eat, even breaking up pieces she thinks are too big for them. A favorite treat is when I take in some bread which she'll take bites of right out of my hand, then put it on the ground and tear it up for her babies. It is so sweet to watch them! I wish everyone could see it.

Every year we get a few hanging baskets for our carport. This is the nicest one so far. We've had hot (for here) weather and I think they've been a little stressed, but we've been feeding them and keeping them watered so hopefully they'll stay nice for another 6 weeks or so.

We finally got a bit of rain today and I am very thankful as we really needed it. Maybe the lawn and pastures can perk up a little bit now. I did buy extra hay just in case we have a particularly dry summer and the pastures don't keep everyone fed as long as we like. Living on a farm has taught us that it's good to think ahead and have a Plan B. I guess that's a good lesson for just about everything!


Frank said...

Peepers? Don't you mean Peckers?

jayne said...

I'm calling the little guys peepers until they graduate to full pecker status! I don't know exactly when that is, but I'll tell you when it happens...probably the first time they do something to annoy me and they're not cute anymore!

Mirlandra said...

I highly approve of photographing meat price tags - I'm inspired. Maybe I will start posting some of my bargains up :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like a picture of the grilled pork dinner please. You are such a good cook!

Bean said...

I posted the request for a picture of the finished grilled dinner.