Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Carpet: Doing our part to stimulate the economy!

Just a little over three years ago we moved into this new mobile home. We were thrilled to be able to have such a nice new house, as this property had a really old one on it when we bought it. However, our budget was really tight so we couldn't upgrade a couple of things like we wanted. So after three years, the standard carpet it came with was really falling apart, even in places where there wasn't any traffic! See just one example below:

So we were in Lowe's one day and wandered by the carpet department and decided, what the heck, and picked out something we liked and the rest is history. I do, however, wish they would have told us about the enormity of practically having to MOVE as all the carpeted areas of the house needed to be totally empty. Good thing we have a big shop that Frank was able to move most of the stuff into. The kitchen, as you can see below, got some of the last minute stuff. It was a total disaster area.

Katie said, "Hey, if we're moving...don't forget to take me!" Actually, she and Jake got locked in the shop for the day too. Pete the lovebird got stuck in the mudroom with his little heater, and Frank stayed home from school (I subbed for him...gotta love double dipping!) and helped some and also took Sandy for a long walk.

We were really blessed to have a nice day for this project. There was some stuff that we used until the last minute that, because of the good weather, we were able to just chuck outside. Here the couch is being guarded by Sandy. The back deck was crowded with office furniture, Frank's recliner and our coffee table.

Needless to say, we are thrilled with our new carpet. The quality is amazing, and it feels so nice to walk on...very squishy! Frank rolled up two equal sized remnants and you can really see the difference between the new and the old. That old piece had never been walked on either, he found it in the back of a closet. Yikes, that was some poor quality stuff!

Here they are side by side for comparison. You can see that even the quality of the backing is different. Those are my toes, by the way.

Luckily, moving back in doesn't seem as difficult as moving everything out. We are doing it stages at a time, with the office (can't live without the computers!), living room and bedroom being a priority today. Of course we're seeing how everything is dusty so each piece gets a good going-over as it comes back in. (Gotta love Swiffer Dusters!) Here Frank is putting our bedstead back together. We bought this set with our summer school money from last summer. It's our first and pretty much only really good furniture. Sandy, as you can see, is providing casual supervision.

OK, here is the new stuff, but let me tell you...IT IS NOT PINK!! These two pictures make it look pink or rosy but it is not. In fact, the wall behind our bed is a very true chocolate brown and it looks pinkish too! If anything, the carpet has an olive-y/gold hue to it. The name was Walnut and it is just what we wanted: a nice warm brown. I have to rethink a few things, like my couch cover which is fairly tan and now seems to be a little too much brown in the living room. I need to add more color! Sure wish I had good decorating sense. Guess I need to watch more HGTV and DIY networks!

So suffice it to say that we are really happy with our new carpet. We also got really good service from Lowe's and their contracted installer. I would definitely recommend them. Now you need to come visit and see it for yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayne,

What a project! It sure looks nice, though. Enjoy!
