Friday, August 29, 2008

Today we had a 1/2 a day window without rain to harvest the potatoes. Frank had fun finding all the little hidden treasures, but here's one I found! Isn't he beautiful?! He didn't move the whole time we were digging all around him. He must have felt secure on his zucchnini leaf. He was about the size of a quarter.

The picture of Frank with all the potatoes didn't turn out, but here's one with his find of the zucchini that got away from us! We usually try to pick them when they're small, but this one hid under the potato plants until today. The rind is hard, so I'm not sure what I can do with it. If I cut it in 1/2, then the chickens can eat out all the good insides.

Sandy, our 12 1/2 year old golden retriever - border collie mix, was supervising as usual. You can see that she got pooped out and took a nap on the warm soil. Life is good here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your garden looks great....seeing those pictures it makes not wanna leave for work but i gotta go now...^_^